Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Is the sky falling, really?


There is sure a lot of conversations that are overpowering. "The sky is falling," or "the boy who cried wolf," both phrases come to mind as of late. My own research has lead me to believe there are a lot of strange things happening in our world, and I have preached about stocking up and doing your own research for many years. However, for a year or two now, it seems like we are constantly being diverted in a million directions, and why?! 

If you think back to History class, and remember the Roman times, it's a reminder of the diversion tactics even then. The Coliseum, bread, and entertainment was the distraction then. The distractions removed the attention from the fall of the Empire to anything but that. This is the same play book being used today. We are distracted and desensitized to most things now. Our politics preach that no one is above the law, yet the only ones this applies to is the conservatives. The political parties that are challenged by We The People, are now considered domestic terrorists. We are being fed propaganda by our media, the press secretary, and a large majority of our politicians...and it's being done legally, with the changes made to the Smith-Mundt Act under the Obama Administration. We are distracted by entertainment - concerts, professional sports, aliens, threats of a world war, and border invasion. Yet, we have become so desensitized that we basically ignore everything to just keep trying to live our regular lives. We ignore violence, have become too weak to accept the human trafficking issues, many don't understand how our system is supposed to work anymore, most don't even know enough about their rights to defend themselves. We have a resident that can't string together a sentence, falls going up stairs, falls off a bike, and is laughed at by every other world leader. Our Congress and Senate has a 19% approval rating because they have lost a large portion of American's trust. They are not capable of doing what is right for America because they are bought and paid for, so they will only pass legislation that will benefit whomever lines their pockets more. Our VP, aside from being completely incompetent cackles her way through word salads and incoherent conversations. Most of our politicians have served for 20 plus years, and have used their positions as a retirement fund, instead of being Statesmen and women. These same politicians are doing all they can to continue to create class warfare among our people. Dividing our people by class, skin color, gender, political preference, and anything else they can find. They do not want our people to understand that even having difference of opinion, if we all came together, they would lose their power over us. The saddest part for me, there are just enough weak people that can't accept the we are going to have differences but that is what has always made America great. We have always been a melting pot of cultures, and until we had all these differences crammed down our throats, labels forced on everything, and bringing private lives into public. 

I am all for "to each his own." I have an issue when other beliefs are forced on me, and I am being labeled as something because God made me female, and white. God does not make mistakes. I may not believe in religion, but I have no doubt in God. Whether we evolved from monkeys, who made the monkeys?! or humans were just poofed into existence, is of little consequence to me. We are here now, and because of the constant division from our politicians, we are battling each other instead of them. It's not a two party system, I hate to break that to some. It's a delusional illusion. No matter what division is pushed on us, we all bleed red. We are all the daughters and sons of a much higher creator. 

Here in America, we have many issues threatening us. I know many people do not want to look at things head-on because it is overwhelming. I get that. The part that hits me, is because we are choosing to overlook so much, it's all going to come crashing around us. Those in DC, have neglected their jobs for so long, we have mortgaged the futures of multiple generations and the can just keeps getting kicked down the road. The Congress has passed yet another bill to print more money. We are already $33 TRILLION in debt and it climbs daily. Our taxes, that were supposed to be temporary, have increased dramatically since 1913....all while our infrastructure has gotten worse, the Social Security fund has been raided, many unelected installed agencies have been put in place - illegally, the politicians keep voting themselves raises, and the tax monies are paid as interest payments on the out-of-control debt...not on America. The Federal Reserve, which is neither Federal nor has any reserve, has allowed for out-of-control money printing, which in part has caused this inflation we have experienced the past few years. The politicians that have their "pet projects" keep utilizing that never ending printing press to fund whatever projects they are bought off for. The bills sent through the Congress and Senate are not single subject bills, but have hundreds or even thousands of pages, and NOT A ONE OF THESE REPS actually READS them! So, a bill may be for healthcare, yet it has a ton of regulations for auto makers or new tax increases or a million other options...yet we complain if a party doesn't vote for a bill. Isn't is just as much OUR responsibility to read these bills, as it is for our politicians, and to MAKE our representatives work on our behalf?! We have gotten lazy, complacent. When is the last time you have read Executive Orders? Did you know, an Executive Order, is an automatic law? Did you know, there were 3 Executive Orders under the Trump Administration, that contained National Emergencies...THAT WERE NEVER ADDRESSED?Did you know, when a National Emergency is issued, the Executive Order that is put into place, makes a President, a war time President...even more so when those National Emergencies are not addressed by the Congress in place at the time of the National Emergency? Did you know, the United States Army was formed BEFORE the Constitution? That even though separate from civilian law, Military Law trumps civilian law under National Emergencies. Did you know, the jobs of President and Commander-I-Chief, are two separate jobs...even though they are framed as one? 

So, while the politicians keep playing their delusional games, average Americans are losing everything. Interest rates have steadily increased over the past 2 years. Getting a loan has become more difficult. If you have a loan/credit, the interest rates continue to increase. Seriously, if you have bought groceries, put fuel in your vehicle, paid any bills...you have surely seen the prices going up. If you are truly in a position that none of this effects you, I am thrilled for you! For the rest of us...we are struggling! Young people starting out have zero chance of getting anywhere. In my direct area, land prices have risen to a point the only ones able to purchase it are the Mennonites with their 100 year loans, or the big farmers that the banks can't afford to shut off their credit. Everyone else is just totally screwed. Those that fall in the 20-50 year old range, can't afford to buy land, or a farm. Between the cost of land, the cost of homes(new and used), and the interest rates....we are upside down before we ever get started. Even renting land has been driven so far up, again by the big farmers and the Mennonites, that it's nearly impossible to do. It becomes pretty depressing for many of us that want to grow, not massive, but grow none-the-less. The job market is scary too. There are jobs, most are in the service industry(restaurant, bar, hotel) and many claim full time...but you are lucky to get 30 hours a week. With the increase in minimum wage, that has lead to another big issue. When people working in the service industry are making $15-$20 hourly, and those working in skilled trades are barely making $30 hourly...there is a problem. Here is a good example...A skilled laborer, with 30 years experience has to struggle to make $30 hourly, has to pay an arm & leg for benefits, gets limited time off, and is expected to keep up with continued education. A person working in the service industry, is now able to make around $20 an hour, just starting out, has benefits, gets time off and many times doesn't even attempt to do quality work. When an unskilled worker goes into a trade industry, they expect to make the money they would in the service industry, and they are just not qualified, so the trade industry is starving for laborers. They end up offering several fringe benefits or "sign on bonuses," while the skilled laborers end up having to do twice the work to cover for those untrained, and making a lot less. 

I understand that every job is important. We all like to eat out, even if it's only on occasion, so restaurant, bar, fast food, etc. they are all important. Many people travel, so the hotel/motel/Bed & Breakfast industry has it's place. However, skilled trades have severely dried up! In my area, trying to find carpenters, concrete laborers, masonry trades, plumbing, electrical, cabinet builders, mechanics, etc. is nearly impossible. Then you have to find the trades that do a good job, and that is even more rare. One thing that really rubbed me the wrong way during the lockdowns(one of MANY), was the idea of "essential workers." That was such rubbish!!!!!!!  Every single worker is essential! It takes every able body working in America, to make America work. If you think about it, here we are 3 years after the dreaded flu, and how many business are not back to work?!! Washington DC, still has a majority of its business district closed. Many of the malls, and city businesses are still shuttered. I know I keep hearing that many are working from home. Well, all the businesses that have been trying to hire for the past 2 1/2 years, can NOT get help. Or they hire people that work until they get a paycheck and disappear. There is no work ethic anymore. I can not blame this on an age group...it's across the board! From 16-90, more people want everything handed to them but refuse to work to get it. Then you have people like me. Those that have so much life experience, a degree...even if severely outdated, but can't get even a part time job because of being "over qualified." Seriously, if I am applying for a job...it's because I'm willing to work, not because of my qualifications. Many jobs now, they demand a degree..which is pointless. I have an Associates, but it's useless. Unless I'm willing to spend over $40K to upgrade to a Bachelors now, and take the time to do more education...most of the jobs won't even look at my resume. I paid off my student loans YEARS ago, we are still paying on my husbands, and I REFUSE to take on more debt to become an educated idiot, just so I can work in an office to file and answer phones. You only need half a brain to do that job, not a Bachelors degree. 

Our economy is in shambles. Our country has gone from Capitalism to Consumerism. There is a BIG difference and there are many that need to learn it. More than 70% of America's Gross Domestic Product(GDP) is from Consumerism. It is all the products we now import from other countries instead of producing here in the states. A great example, go look through a single room in your house, look at the ratio of Made in America versus Made in...any other country. We have become addicted to the cheap, and cheap quality of products made outside our country. We spend hard earned money, on things we don't need...it's called Consumerism. Your iPhones, made in China, are imported...not made in America by American workers. Just a brief example. Do you really need a new cell phone every year, or is it only because you think you need the latest and greatest? Again, my personal push of learning the differences between needs and wants. How much crap do you have just sitting around, or in storage units? Do you really need to buy more? Probably not. So, what is your drive to keep consuming? All the TV ads pushing you to keep consuming? A friend pressuring you to get the latest and greatest? Or is it the simplest thought of I "deserve" this because I work hard? Here's a thought....don't you deserve to be debt free, to have money saved, to have extra to be able to help those less fortunate? Anyway, that is just a personal pet peeve. Those pushing for you check off the boxes; college, marriage, family, home, new car, etc. they don't have a dog in your fight. They will not be affected in any manner, if you lose your ass! 

Back to the economy. With inflation, even by government numbers, being stupid high...it's killing American's. The core inflation, as per the Fed, is around 7-8%. This does NOT include housing, loans, food, fuel or utilities. When our food inflation alone is pushing 35%, how exactly does this economy manage? Fuel prices are double, or more, what they were 3 years ago. The year-over-year home prices have increased a minimum of 25%. The biggest lie our government has fed us for many years is not all this inflation/recession crap. It's the fact that our wages have not kept in line with growth of everything for decades. Just in my lifetime, we have had several financial issues. The 70's, 80's, 90's, the '08 "Great Financial Crisis," and now we are living in a silent Depression that our government refuses to acknowledge. You had the gas lines, the FHA loan recall program that killed farmers, the recession of the 90's, the housing bubble in 08, and honestly right now... we have a housing bubble, a commercial loan crisis, out-of-control inflation, the job market is weak, we are not producing enough in America, we are dependent on imports from China/Thailand/Taiwan/Saudi Arabia, and many more. So tell me again, WHY WAS PUSHING AMERICA FIRST SUCH A PROBLEM?

In my eyes, common sense says the problems should be clearly visible to everyone...especially those in the older generations. Reality, is proving me wrong. When it takes me $600 per month to buy food for a family of 5, going out to eat is such a rare treat because that will be about another $90, when it now takes about $90 per week to put fuel in our car, our utilities have increased by nearly $200 per month, my mortgage increased by nearly $200 per month, nearly 35% of gross income is taken to pay income tax yet, we are taxed on food, fuel, farm use items, roads, schools, nursing home, fire/police, property, personal property, clothing, and utilities... How in the hell does ANY of this make sense?! Our roads suck! I don't have and haven't had children in the schools in over 10 years, the fire department can't find us, and we are in part of the county that only wants to claim us at tax time. Even our state government never finds its way to this part of the state. We get the automated phone town hall meetings, but the reps end up giving brush off answers because they can't be bothered to actually show here and be forced to answer. God forbid you be someone actually educated in the real world, because they will NOT even talk to you! 

So, I guess in some ways, the sky is falling. For those of us that have chosen to get educated, the veil has been lifted and we are asking the BIG questions. We are not settling for the brush off answers from EITHER party. We are not arguing or buying into the divisions, with our Brothers and Sisters....we are demanding real action FOR AMERICA and her citizens. These politicians are no longer being given a free pass because of their "party" affiliations. We are brushing off the insults from those still living in their delusions. We are no longer turning the other cheek. After yet another insulting call about polling, that doesn't allow for more than "this party or that party" answers...I am angry. I can look back and see about 3 notable people in our history that have attempted to do good for America. Sadly, 2 of them were assassinated for it, and the 3 has faced constant battles for 8 years because of lies and weak minds. I do not support EITHER political party, and that has allowed me to dig into what these politicians and elected people have actually done. I am not blinded by parties. 

I am going to end today with this: take some time to dig into some research of your own. Go check out executive orders, what these bills going through our Congress actually say, learn about the politicians and what they have ACTUALLY done for America. Pay attention to how your life is being affected by the current economy, and how much you are actually paying in taxes(income, products, food, etc.). Try to contact your local representatives and ask questions...that'll be fun. Stop consuming! Plan on taking 25% of your income and saving it...can you live on the rest? If not, you are not living within your means.

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