Thursday, August 17, 2023

A coffee chat and updates



August 17, 2023. A coffee chat and updates. 


Well, we have 2 weeks left of this month and to say I am behind schedule, is a total understatement. So, I'm getting my brain organized, my schedule organized, attempting to get my house organized, all while trying to get prepared for winter/cold months. If you don't live on a farm or in the country, you probably do not realize what goes into this preparation. If difficult to understand when you have convenience at your fingertips, as opposed to being a distance from everything. Once the winter weather sets in, snow/ice hits the ground, I am done driving until Spring...unless absolutely necessary. There are enough idiots on the roads in bad weather, they do not need me there too! I can drive in crap weather, I am just not comfortable doing so. I avoid it when possible. Also, living so far out, there are winter weather events, that cause the roads to be snow covered/iced for multiple days before seeing a plow or salt truck. Since we have lived here, we typically have 2-7 days of this per winter. So, preparing is not an option. Besides, it makes sense to just be set in the event of any kind of emergency. At least to me. 


Alright, let's dive into the conversation this morning. My first stop on technology every morning is news updates. Most of them I glance over, and move on. This morning, some things caught my attention. New numbers are still coming out in the economy and the B.S. meter is pinging "red flag," in a big way. Inflation is up from July, and over 9% higher than just 2 years ago. Job numbers come out weekly, but that is deceptive. The increased jobs are primarily in the services sector(hotel, restaurant, and bar industry...hospitality). Those jobs claim full-time, at 35 hours per week. The government numbers claim wages are rising faster than inflation...WHERE??? I believe they need to quit drinking their bath water. It is currently costing American's an average of $709 MORE per month for bare basics. The current inflation standards do NOT include housing, food, fuel; in their 9.2% inflation. Putting economic stats to the test, when you account for the value of the dollar and goods today, and the same from 1929...we are already WORSE economically that when the Great Depression occurred. So, there you have it. Take it as you will. 


The battle we are all facing is that of good versus evil. No matter how you look at it. My Christian friends talk about the rapture and coming of Christ. A Native friend has a very unique view point. Many friends of different cultures, have talked about their own beliefs in what is currently playing out today. History has taught us that many times, those who attempt to take total control, are neither "trying to help" nor are they even thinking of the people they attempt to control. It becomes a power grab, greed driven and a financial scheme to enhance themselves further. When this occurs, the people are the only reprieve to stop the advancement of any fashion of totalitarianism. Sadly, I have always believed that out Constitution and our military would be the ultimate saving grace for us as Americans. Now, I am seeing the weakness, the generations long divisions, and true lack of critical thinkers; has not only weakened American resolve, but American minds have brain washed or phys-oped. Take that as you will also. It's coming from an researched based observation.  

Economically, American's are struggling. Many are being faced with having to choose between paying bills, buying food, getting necessary medications. Many more of elders, are having to re-enter the work force at 70+ years of age, because they can not make ends meet. Our young people are having to face a backlash of issues, not seen in 4-6 generations. When the rent prices are more than a mortgage, purchasing a home is triple the value of it/having a required 20% down payment/and interest rates pushing 10% for decent credit...more young people are staying with their parents. That brings in the well meaning, trying to get these young people to have homes of their own. Unfortunately, the reality is...these young people are facing depression era levels of struggles and now is NOT the time to be pushing them. Not only does it make more fiscal sense for the kids and parents alike, to split costs of one household, that was the normal for most generations until the last 50 or so years. I have no idea who thought strapping people with astronomical debt to keep up with who knows who, was a great idea...but it's NOT! I guess it is a lot easier to spend other people's money when you don't have to worry about the financial instability in your own pocket. I do not say this to be ignorant....having visited with my banker, a few friends in the markets, and paying attention to the economy; not a single one is recommending any different than I am right now. All of them say, this is not the time to get further into debt. Now IS the time to paying off debts and saving money where you can. As I have said before, I research and question everything. What I talk about, comes from knowledge I have acquired, not just spewing words.

Our farm life is never dull. Right now, the garden has begun producing...even if small amounts at a time. My husband and I managed to can up another 9 quarts of pasta sauce at 9 last night. I still have more tomatoes and peppers to get worked up and picked. My Fall round of tomatoes should start setting on in September. I may have to do some hot houses to protect them so I can get tomatoes into October. A volunteer cherry tomato plant has taken over a quarter of my firepit area. It is literally growing in sand and rocks, and covered in little green tomatoes. I will be saving some seeds from that plant. My early tomatoes are the ones producing right now. I planted 5 different types this year. A few I have grown in the past like, Carolina Gold's, Mortgage Lifters, and Early Girl; but I got a 4 pack that said it was Heirloom and I do not like how they grow. The other style was Amish Paste tomatoes. They are becoming softball size with the consistency of a roma. I like them and how they are producing. I was able to save a single cucumber plant from the drought, and it is still producing more than we can eat! The Jalapenos and Banana Peppers are overflowing!! The different types of bell peppers are doing well too. I planted 3 types of potatoes this year, and it's getting time to start canning/freezing them too. If this year is anything like the past few, I will have a lot of stuff ready about the same time as the kid's wedding and the veteran hunt. Which means, pulling some major double duty or letting it go to waste. I still have a plethora of tomato products to can up, to refill the pantry. I have spent the past year, up to and including 2 weekly sessions currently, learning new garden and food preservation tips and learning tips and tricks. Learning has become a passion for me. My Dad told me YEARS ago, education is something that can never be taken from you. Apparently, it has actually been something that has stuck with me for many years now. I am always striving to learn more. I have a lot of ideas for gardens moving forward...I just need to get my family on the path to help get them ready. While the smaller main garden has done a decent job for a few years, the need to grow more of our own consumable foods that are not store bought, has become seriously greater. There is a lot of work that goes into gardening. It's not as easy as just throwing some seeds in the ground. My garden planning has already began for next year. Soil additives will need to be placed in the main garden, as well as any additional gardens. Planning for how many will be utilizing food out of the gardens for next year has to be figured in. What foods each person eats/needs will also have to be figured in. Right now, we can easily feed our family, and help out 1-2 other families with a few items. By next year, we may need to be helping our family, both of our son's families, and possibly having to help some of our neighbors as well. As I have said before, we have several elders in our community that could benefit from a little extra help. I have no problem helping them, if at all possible. I am still young enough and for the most part healthy enough, to be able to do this garden work, this canning and food preservation, to help out. 

Where we stand currently, is having a country that has lost its direction. A country that has lost its moral compass and sanity. Finances are forcing too many American's to have to make choices not seen the late 1929/1932 time frame. Many have become greedy and selfish. Too many depend on government and refuse to take responsibility for their own actions. Food prices are increasingly getting worse, fuel cost is on the rise again, and the more divided we become - the more control the government can take. We must help each other when and where we can. We must support our local communities. No matter how divided the media would lead us to believe we are, I believe the divisions are not as numerable nor are they that different from each other. We all just want to live our lives, be able to support and take care of our families, keep our children safe, keep our liberties and rights, and keep the government out of our lives. 

I pray for everyone trying to make ends meet, trying to help others when possible, trying to remember to have faith when all seems lost. I pray for the American citizens who seem to keep getting the short end of the stick. I pray for our soldiers and veterans. I pray that God does step in, and provide the miracles we need on this Earth to put order back into it. I pray that God allows me to help those needing direction, and that my family, extended family and dear friends stay safe, prepared, healthy and hear God's guidance on each of your own individual paths.



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