Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A tale as old as time




As fables go, there's always the hero that rides in and solves the problem facing a group. Folks, there is no knight in shining armor to fix the mess we are in! Instead we are watching a circus, the ring master has sent in the clowns to distract us from the catastrophe that has arisen in our country. 

I think if I hear one more person say, "the government needs to fix this," I may vomit! The government has CREATED this mess! I want you to humor me for a bit. I want you to think back for as long as you can remember. Every single crisis we have had in the U.S., when exactly has the government actually fixed anything? When has their excess funding of countries abroad ever actually helped Americans? When has the Federal Reserve banking "experts" ever done anything fiscally responsible? 

I'm not going to dive off that pier, because it it will inevitably piss a lot of people off. I have so much respect for our military, but they have been used by the elite financial, religious and top 1% of the world; to do their bidding and dirty work. Our soldiers and veterans deserve so much more than that pathetic group, yet these amazing men and women are affronted at every turn. 

I have been extremely edgy of late. I made a couple of videos yesterday, and shared them on my social media. After making them, more thoughts poured through my head and as I went to share them...my post was blocked! Yep, censored before I could even share. So, here I am. I cover a lot of news stories every single day. I don't just listen to one or two people...there are hundreds I could listen to. My biggest concerns are the precious young people, when our children of this world are effected, I am ready to fight for ALL kids! These precious beings are our future and so many of them are being neglected, abused, forgotten or not being taught in a manor that will prepare them for the real world. Then comes the farmers/producers. Folks, we all eat! That means everything our farmers/producers face, will directly effect every single person. When their input costs quadruple, guess what will happen to your food prices?! You guessed it, that snowball will pick up speed as it races down the mountain to the market shelves. It does not matter if you produce wheat, corn, beans, hay, chickens/eggs, cattle, hogs, or sheep...when our prices of input raise exponentially, those price increases will be heading to the overall cost! As a small farm/producer, it is very difficult to absorb the extreme cost increase. However, even the large farms/producers are being hit at every turn. Price increases have hit fertilizers, seeds, chemical weed killers, grain/feed prices, and even the livestock markets are seeing a massive fluctuation on pricing. The trucking/delivery industry is another area that is being slammed. In America today, a large majority of our goods/supplies are shipped in from other countries. That means all the goods/supplies shipped into ports on our coasts, must be transported across the country. That is typically done by truck, rail or tug/barge. All these forms of transportation run on diesel. Can you imagine that expense at the current cost? Anyway, with the increasing cost of diesel, these transporters, have increase their rates to cover their increased expenses. That expense increase will be passed along to us, the consumer. None of this even accounts for the losers out there stealing gas, stealing catalytic converters, or the GPS navigation systems off of tractors. It does not include the cost, let alone the availability or lack-there-of, of trying to replace stolen or damaged parts. Have you attempted to get parts for your vehicles, tractors, or a big rig lately? IF you can get the parts, they are sky high, mostly....you can't get them! There are shortages of parts, shortages of workers, shortages of manufacturing....SHORTAGES! Have you tried to buy a car recently? It's unbelievable to see the lack of products available in America. 

The supply chain is in chaos. We should all know this, at this point. If you don't, you really need to start paying attention. Our ports are emptying quickly, but there is nothing more coming. China has had 3 main ports shut down. Many of their factories have been closed due to illness, and if you haven't noticed the stupid high price of gas...you probably have more money than brains! When China decides to start working again, it will be a MINIMUM of 12 weeks before we could start to see some products return. That is assuming the clown administration does not continue to piss them off. As of right now, China is siding with Russia...than means the U.S. is on the outside looking in. If China decides to take on Taiwan, where will that leave American's? That will mean even less for us! That would mean no exports from Russia, no exports from China, and China will block exports from Taiwan. Just as a point of view, look at the closest 10 items to you...where are they made?! A majority of items in your big box stores come from China and Taiwan. Are you understanding the mess we are in yet? Countries abroad are aligning in this battle already. Do just a little research and you find many countries are NOT siding with NATO and the US. The BRICS monetary system has already kicked in for many countries, making all financial payments be backed with gold, silver or precious metals...not a fiat/swift American Petro Dollar. Our dollar, is not backed by anything beyond the debt and the backs of hardworking American taxpayers. 

Worldwide, the real estate market is also chaos. Some of the biggest international real estate corporations are bankrupt! The housing bubble of 2008, is about to look like a rose garden. It's about to burst. The housing, land and commercial real estate investments are on the brink of collapse. Just in the US, it is being predicted that housing/land prices will fall by at least 50% by the end of the year. So, all the land being sold for 8-10 thousand an acre...is looking to be worth less than half that in less than 6 months. What's that going to do to those that lease out their ground? Start thinking in halves, or less. Many of the farmers that are buying up land, at stupidly high prices, are going to lose their asses. So, then the question goes back to, our food supplies. Guys, this is a vicious cycle! 

The stock market is currently being stabilized by the Fed. It has suffered 23 weeks of decline. So, now, we have to ask...when will the bottom fall out of that? I don't care what the "experts" say, we are in a recession...it's just a matter of time before the floor drops out and we have Black Tuesday and the 2nd Great Depression. You think this is dooms day prediction? Ok, that's on you...but think about this - Economic hardships began in August 1929, before the market crashed in October 1929. Why did the market crash? What began with increased interest in stock markets, led to a severe economic downturn. It is speculated that overly confident and overly extended stocks, drought, steep decline in industrial production, deep decline in prices, mass unempolyment, banking panic, sharp increases in poverty & homelessness, falling commodity-producing prices and the GDP falling by nearly half; all lead to the crash. Well, let's think about this. Currently our GDP is at a 75 year low, commodity pricing was sky high a couple weeks ago and today has fallen, our unemployment is up, businesses can not get workers, our industrial production is non-existent since Covid, our stock market has been teetering for 2 years being artificially proped up by the Fed, our financial institution is printing money out of thin air, our administration is spending money like they have it to spend, our poverty & homelessness is increasing 10 fold due to the increased cost of everything, our food is 3-5 times higher in the past year, our gas/diesel is 3-5 times higher, major corporations are spending billions to buy favor with the "elected officials," our industry left in the U.S. ground to a halt because of Covid, and has yet to recover. Just from this list....we have a recipe for DEPRESSION! 

I rarely pay attention to polls, most of them are made up anyway. However, the consumer confidence poll is staggering! Overall confidence has hit an 11 year low! As of May it was down to 59%. That means less people are vacationing, basically less people spending money in the economy...another BIG sign of where our country is heading. Think about the tourism industry, these towns that depend on people traveling to them, staying in the hotels, eating in the restaurants, and spending in the gift shops. When the consumer confidence retreats...so do these towns/industries/and jobs. With the current inflation, contractors are not building, there fore there will be less homes on the market. Businesses are not expanding into new locations, again lost jobs/industry and revenue. Think about the vehicle industry. These companies like Ford, GMC, Chevrolet, etc. can not make vehicles without many of the supplies made in other countries. So, all these car sales locations are not getting vehicles to fill their lots. The used car market is stupid high. What's going to happen to the salesmen at these lots? What about these tractor dealers, same thing...nothing to sell means closed businesses and in turn means severe unemployment. Just thinking to my own experience with a "local" restaurant. When these restaurants can't get help, they close early, when they close early, they lose revenue. With a decrease in revenue, means a decrease or elimination of staff. An extended period of this, means a closed restaurant, the few still employed would be unemployed. I hate to break the precious bubble so many live in but, we are already well on our way to another Great Depression!

I know people get tired of hearing me talk about stocking up. Even several in my own household are to a point of rolling their eyes. You know, it's not easy to watch the lack of concern. However, lucky for my household, I am too determined and stubborn to let their ignorance change my belief. I have spent over a decade, living a life of being prepared. When you live an hour from a Wal-Mart or town of any size, you learn to be prepared. I have spent 24 years learning how to garden, preserve food, plan ahead, and prepare. So, trust me when I say...I have learned many ways NOT to do things, and I have found many ways to do other things. Am I totally prepared for a depression? No way! Not even close in many areas. However, I work hard every single day to get closer. To have enough to take care of my family, to help my neighbors and if necessary help others. So, when I see people more concerned about their summer plans than stocking their pantries...I get pissy. I see parents spending frivolously on everything except the necessities they or their children would need to survive. I am trying to teach my own children to survive, to plan, to prepare, to be as self-reliant as possible. This is not easy by any shape of the word! Especially when they hear others claim that "things aren't that bad, the government will fix it." Folks, when you hear "the government is here to help," you need to freaking run the other direction as quickly as possible! They couldn't even run a damned whorehouse that was already established in Nevada! The government can not fix anything. They are the cause, so they don't want to fix anything! 

I'm going to end this today, but I encourage you all to stock up! Get as much as you possibly can, as quickly as you can. Be sure to check the expiration dates...I found this over the weekend...the dates that are usually 2-3 years out, are now just a year out(wonder where they have been for a couple years?). Get plenty of items that can be used in multiple ways...soups, pasta, rice, dried beans. Start learning/writing down recipes that you could make from your stocked items. Get plenty of water - you need drinking and cooking water. Remember you will use more for drinking during the summer months. Make sure you have a means to cook and cookware if you need to cook outdoors. Make sure you have plenty of supplies for your pets, medicines, first aid, soaps, foil, ziplock bags. Stock up now now sugar, flour, powdered sugar, brown sugar - these store well in air-tight containers/bags, and you can keep them in air tight bags in your freezer. Learn some skills...canning, water bath canning, freezing foods, dehydrating foods, gardening, container gardening, sewing, self defense. Kick your brain into learning to be a survivor, and never being a victim.

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