Monday, June 27, 2022

Coffee Chat - WARNING, I am fired up!


Here we go again, friends. I think we all need a reality check. You can have an opinion, while others have a different opinion, and NOT HATE EACH OTHER!! It's so ridiculous to me that, that even needs to be said. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has them. That does not mean that either side is right or wrong, it just means people are thinking for least mostly. Sadly, we have several groups of degenerates that find it necessary to cause trouble, demanding that everyone "respect" their opinions, while they deliberately disrespect opinions that differ from theirs. That, my friends, is called hypocrisy, and a form of mental illness. We can put our opinions out there, without being ignorant, without burning down cities and businesses, and without destroying personal property. This kind of behavior is nothing more than a deliberate effort by some to continue to create divisions that unnecessary and quite honestly, dangerous. It has also become apparent, that education has been severely lacking in how laws are made, and how the separation of powers work. I guess Civics class is no longer taught?!



The past 24 hours has shown me more than I could have ever imagined. I've known for years that the whole "time out and participation" crap was not good...but WOW! We have created a society that not only lacks accountability but also responsibility. We have too many with a victim mentality, and the "blame everyone else," mind set. Here's a grand idea:  TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. It's incredible to see that we are reinventing the wheel. We have magically figured out what a woman is, again. We have seen that not all lives matter. We have been shown that our bodies are not our choice, with many areas over the past 2 years. We have seen many opinions come to light, and some of them have been shocking. 

I am truly dumbfounded by thoughts on the Supreme Court decision Friday. Not by the pro-choice or pro-life groups, as much as, the lack of knowledge of what the actual decision was for.  I have friends on both sides of that debate and I personally stand in the gray area. I will explain that later. This decision was not to ban abortion. It was stating that no where in the Constitution does it state that it is a federal right to do so. This is what the Supreme Court validates what is a Constitutional right and what is decided at the state level. Their decision Friday, simply sent it back to the individual states. Meaning, it was not a Constitutional issue. Aside from the fact that Roe admitted to the whole thing being a lie, this should NOT be a federal OR a state issue. This is the gray area. Too many have decided to buy into every issue is black or white, when in reality, there is a more vast area of gray. While I personally am against this option and find it appalling, it is not my choice. This decision and many others should be private and made between a doctor and patient...not government, not media, not churches, not insurance companies, PERIOD! Personally, I do believe there are people out there that do not deserve to have children, that are not responsible enough to be parents to an animal let alone a baby, but this is my opinion. I, personally, would have had a house full of precious little beings if it had been a possibility for me. I can tell you from the stand point of the mental anguish that happens with makes me wonder if the mental health issues currently are not related to this issue. Just an observation.  I personally believe in freedom, and that encompasses all American's...even those that have a different opinion than my own.

Just a month ago, it was being debated, at the federal level, what a woman was. Seriously?  Our politicians have made a complete circus of this gender issue. I hate to be the barer of logic, but there are only 2 sexes...those with a penis, and those with a vagina. It's pretty simple. Your creation may not be how you feel currently, but it is what it is. You may choose to medically and chemically attempt to change this, but that is the real fakery of the conditioning society is experiencing. I am all for being who you are, but demanding others to accept anything else is called entitlement. I have family and friends that fall into so many of the "new" catagories, and while I love them I will not buy into the attitude that "they are special and deserve special recognition." You want to be treated well, GO DO SOMETHING THAT HELPS OTHERS!! In my eyes, you are only as good as your character. 

I am not angry at anything, but seriously disappointed by division that being intentionally used by governments, NGO's, and religion. We have massive issues pressing in on our country, and people are choosing to stick their heads in the sand about them...while they are out bitching about the Supreme Court decisions. How about instead of pissing and moaning or airing your crap on Facebook, you go out and help a local food pantry. How about you go out and stock your pantry. Go get a job, help cover the cost of filling an elders car with gas, go volunteer at a food bank, or just do something to help someone else! I struggle to believe there are so many selfish, entitled people in this world. 

I need to move, as I am seriously upset by what is happening in our country, on so many levels. It's being discussed, even in mainstream news, about the supply chain issues and the food shortages; yet people are still oblivious. Y'all, I get it...really I do. We have had decades of an abundant life. Seriously, we have. We have had some hiccups, but overall, we have had what we needed at our fingertips. It's only been 2 years ago, we experienced the strangest phenomenon I had ever seen, with the "great toilet paper shortage of 2020." Do y'all not remember the madhouse, and chaos that created...over toilet paper?! For a virus?! That virus is still being blamed for what we are currently experiencing, as well as, what is being forecast to happen. Our ports of entry, are drying up people. China's ports of exit are backed up and halted. Our supply chain is failing at an alarming rate. Our food supply is seriously becoming more scarce. Not to mention the inflation which has decreased our buying power with the increased cost of goods - food, fuel, lumber, fertilizer, etc. So, what are you doing to help yourself there? Do you have a plan to make sure if you have the fuel to get to a store, will you be able to afford to buy food, toilet paper, necessities, more fuel? What will you do if the store shelves are empty? Or if you can't get to a store? I know I personally don't have the money, space or desire to stock up for 2, 3, or more years for supplies. However, I am working hard every week, to do what I can, while I help others too. I am learning something new, everyday! I am refining my gardening skills. I am learning new methods of food preservation. I am talking and sharing with my family about my concerns. 

As with any of my opinions, they are mine. You can agree or disagree...I will respect that, until I am disrespected. I will just add in here, by choosing to only see things in black or white, you missing so much in life. Most of life is just what it make decisions, you deal with the consequences. Each of us has to answer for the choices we make...not for the choices that others make. If you depend on a government to tell you what's right or wrong, you have lost your way, and need to find your own balance. 99.99% of the time, the government is or causes the problems. It is up to we the people, to be better and work together to find solutions...not behave like a bunch of thugs. Our Constitution is being ripped apart more and more, and so many are just willing to accept that. Both political parties have neglected the oaths they have taken for decades, because they keep our people divided so we don't pay attention. Stop the divide. Agree to disagree if necessary, and realize that the enemy we are truly battling is not with each other - but instead with those slimy, greedy, disgusting perverts "running" our country. They do not speak for us, they tell us what we should be pissed about...while laundering money through other countries, to their NGO's, and back into their own pockets. Go talk to American Indians about the ways in which American government has worked from the beginning. Go back and relearn about the Trail of Tears, the "reservations," these people were imprisoned in, and about the genocide they experienced along the way and through the kidnapping of their children to make then "civilized." Go research how many hundreds of thousands of Native American children were murdered through those "schools." Or how many treaties the American government has broken in regard to the American Indians. Go visit a reservation, and talk to the real people that have faced real hardship for 200 plus years. You think your life is rough...

I am all for expressing feelings but doing so in any form of violence, negates anything positive you might have said. I know personally, I have never had an issue with differences until those difference begin getting violent, or belligerent. You want respect, treat others with respect. You want your opinion heard, listen. You want to be accepted, be accepting of others. When this crap is shoved down my throat, then I have had issue with it. You get in my face screaming or demanding, and you will be removed from face, by any means necessary. I will talk to anyone, and I will do my best to listen - even if I disagree. However, behaving like an out-of-control toddler, gets no where with me. It's time everyone starts taking personal responsibilities seriously. You make choices based on what works for you, and you deal with the outcome. Your opinion matters to only you, and maybe your momma...but usually not to anyone else. Your character determines who you are, not your entitled attitude. 

It's time we all grow up and behave like adults. Stop allowing antagonizers to divide us. You are only as good, as the good you do for others!!


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